the character named after you?
First name: +15
Middle name: +25
Last name: +20
Nickname/Internet name:
-Is the name common but spelled unusually? (ie: Ashley- Ashelee): +3
-Is the name usually used for a boy? (ie: Hunter, Cameron, etc.): +4
-Did the character change her own name in the course of the story?: +5
-Is the name a noun or an adjective? (ie: Lovely, Butterfly, etc.): +1
-Is this the name you’ve always wanted?: +3
-Have you used this name for a character before?: +2
-Is the character’s name used in the title of the story?: +2
-Is the character named for a canon character mentioned but not seen?: +3
-Does the character have multiple names or middle names?: +2
-Does your character go by a separate nickname?: +1
-Have you spent more than a day searching for a name?: +2
-Did you utilize a baby name book or telephone book in your search?: +3
-Did you pick a name because of its meaning?: +4
-Have you considered naming your pet or child the name you gave your character?: +5
Maximum Score: 150
-Is the character the same age as you?: +1
-Does the character look older than her age?: +1
-Does the character look like a teenager, even if she’s not?: +2
Is there a magic or scientific
reason?: -1
-Is the character the age you’d like to be?: +1
-Is the character beautiful?: +3
-Does one of the canon characters find her beautiful?: +2
Does more than one of the
canon characters find her beautiful?: +5
-Do any of the other canon characters see her as a threat because of her beauty?: +4
-Does the character have an unusual eye color for no apparent reason?: +2
Is there a magic or scientific
reason?: -1
-Does the character have nice hair that you describe more than once?: +1
Do you describe her hair
on the first page?: +2
-Does your character wear “punkish” getup? (ie: duct tape, black nail polish, etc.): +4
-Does the character have an accent which you do not share?: +1
-Does the character have a scar or marking that is noticeable but not distracting from her appearance?:
Is it a tattoo?: +2
-Do you describe the character’s appearance on the first page?: +7
-Does your character match a definite “clique”? (ie: punk, prep, goth, etc.?): +5
-Does your character make her own clothes?: -2
-Does your character get a makeover from another character?: +3
Does another character
find her attractive afterwards?: +5
-Is the character deaf?: -1
-Is the character blind:? -1
-Is the character mute?: -2
Is the character taunted
or teased by the canon characters for this?: -4
Is she no longer mute/deaf/blind
by the end of the story or series?: +5
(If the character is still
deaf/mute/blind by the end, subtract 2 points)
-Is the character physically disabled? (This means limited mobility of limbs): -3
Is the character taunted
or teased by the canon characters for this?: -4
Is the character no longer
disabled at the end of the story or series?: +5
(if the character is still
disabled by the end of the story or series, subtract 2 points)
-Is the character mentally disabled? (think Joon from “Benny and Joon”) -4
Is the character taunted
or teased by the canon characters for this?: -4
Does the character have
telekinetic/psychic powers because of/despite of this?: +2
Is she no longer disabled
by the end of the story or series?: +5
(If the character is still
disabled by the end of the story or series, subtract 2 points)
-Is the character overweight? (not chubby, really fat): -3
Does this incite teasing
or taunting from the canon characters?: -5
Is she no longer fat by
the end of the story or series?: +7
(If the character is still
fat by the end of the story or series, subtract 2 points)
Maximum Score: 50
-Is the character related to a canon character? (sister/child/aunt/cousin, etc.): +2
-Is the character related to one of your own characters?: +3
-Was the character abandoned or orphaned as a child?: +1
Was the character abandoned
after the age of eight?: -1
Was your character the
sole survivor of a calamity?: +1
Was the character legally
adopted by strangers?: -2
Did the character live
with relatives?: +1
Did the character live
in foster homes?: +1
Did the character live
on the streets?: +1
Is your character the last
remaining member of a family or race?: +1
-Is your character transported to this world from another?: +3
-Was your character born or forced into slavery?: +1
-Was your character born or raised in a poor household?: +1
Was it extreme poverty?:
-Was your character abused?
Physically?: +3
Sexually?: +2
Emotionally?: +1
-Was your character an illegitimate child?: +2
Does your character later
become the mother of an illegitimate child?: +5
-Does your character suffer from guilt for something from her past?: +3
Do the other characters
convince her it wasn’t her fault?: +5
Was it her fault?: -2
-Did your character have an unusual birth? (kidnapped, prophesied about, etc.): +1
-Does your character have a twin?: +1
An identical twin?: +2
-Does your character have an evil twin if she’s good/ a good twin if she’s evil?: +5
-Does your character have a clone?: +7
-Are you planning to write a story about the character’s siblings?: +4
-Does the character have an excellent singing voice?: +1
Is she classically trained?:
-Does she play a musical instrument?: +1
Does she play the guitar
or flute?: +2
-Does the character have the same hobbies as you?: +1
-Does the character have the same job as you?: +1
-Is the character royalty of any kind?: +3.
Does she find out about
her royal blood in the course of the story?: +5
-Do the canon characters mistrust your character at first?: +2
Do they like her by the
end?: +5
-Does everyone like your character?: +5
-Did your character know a canon character in the past?: +4
Your Score:
Maximum Score: 80
-Is the character all or part super powered?: +1
Does the character find
out during the story or later in the series?: +3
-Is the character ostracized
because of her powers?: +5
-Are the powers explained?:
(-1 if yes, +2 if no)
-Does your character have telekinesis or telepathy?: +1
-Does your character have a type of “sixth sense”?: +2
-Does your character beat villains without much of struggle?: +3
Does she make her entrance
by beating the villains and thereby saving the others?: +5
-Can the character fly?: +1
Does she fly without wings?:
-Can your character heal with a thought or touch?: +2
-Do animals instinctively like your character?: +2
Are they cuddly and fuzzy
animals? (rabbits, puppies, kitties, etc.): +3
Are they wolves or foxes?:
Are they creepy crawlies/snakes/lizards,
etc?: -2
Maximum Score: 35
-Does your character fall in love with a canon character?: +1
Do they kiss?: +1
Do they start dating?:
Do they consummate the
relationship?: +3
Do they get married?: +4
Do they have children?
(with or without marriage): +5
Does she fall in love with
the character you like the most?: +10
-Does your character help a canon couple realize they’re meant for each other?: +3
-Does the story end with a wedding?: +2
-Does one-half of the couple die, leaving the other in mourning?: +3
-Does your character break up a canon couple in order to get her man?: +7
-Does the guy instantly fall in love with the girl?: +5
-Does the girl fall in love with an original character?: +1
-Does the character have more than one character in love with her?: +5
-Is there a romantic proposal in the story/the course of the series?: +3
-Is your character’s love unrequited?: -3
-Does your character go through the entire story/series without a significant other?: -10
Maximum Score: 55
-Do you think everyone should automatically like your character?: +3
-If someone says they don’t like your character, do you get defensive?: +5
-Do you ever pretend, just to yourself, that you’re your character?: +3
-If someone calls your character a Mary Sue, do you get angry and defensive?: +5
If you can offer real proof that your character isn’t a Mary Sue: -5
If you know deep down she’s
a Mary Sue and you defend her anyways: +10
-Were you forced into taking this test?: +4
Maximum Score: 30
-Do you introduce your character on the first page?: +2
In the first sentence?:
Do you describe their hair
or eyes when you introduce them?: +3
Do you describe their clothing
when you introduce them?: +3
-Do you tell the story from the character’s point of view?: +1
-Does the title describe your character? (ie: “The Girl Who Could Fly): +4
-Does your character meet the canon characters, and after a few tense pages of plot, becomes friends?:
-Does the character befriend a villain?: +2
Does the character reform
the villain through her goodness?: +5
Does the villain go back
to badness after the character dies, but retains some goodness?: +7
-Is the character transformed into a magical or super-powered higher being?: +5
Is the character happier
this way?: +2
Do others like the character
better this way?: +2
Does the character save the day or another character’s life?: +3
Does this happen more than
once?: +5
Through a magical or mystical
intervention?: +4
Through a long period of
loving nursing and recuperation?: +3
Through sacrificing herself?:
Does the character die?: +2
Does everyone mourn for
a long period of time?: +3
Does she come back to life
at some part in the story or series?:+5
-Do you recreate scenes from the original movie/book/show but write in your own character?: +10
-Do you plan to write more stories using this character?: +3
-Do you plan to write stories about the character’s children?: +3
Maximum Score: 90
-Did you intend to make a Mary Sue?: +2
-Are you fond of your character?: +2
-Is your character a heroine?: +2
Subtract 1 point if she’s
a villain
-Do you draw fanart for your heroine?: +2
-Did you base your character off of yourself or a friend?: +10
Maximum Score: 10
out of
out of 50
out of 80
out of 35
out of 55
Real World
out of 30
Fiendish Plot
out of 90
out of 10
OUT OF 500
0-50: An Original Character
Congratulations! You’re the proud creator of a completely original character! Keep up the good
work. It takes skill and determination to create such a pure individual. You ought to throw a party or something to celebrate.
A Quasi-Original Character
Your character is about 80%-90% real and original. Don’t get disenchanted. It’s highly difficult
to write a completely original character. You don’t have too much to worry about, so keep doing what you’re doing.
You’re doing great!
A Halfa Character
You’re riiiight at the border. You’re straddling
the line between originality and Mary-Sueism. Don’t go to the dark side of the force! But people should fond of your
character, so post away!
A Marsee
Hm…a Marsee. Marsee is the younger sister of a Mary Sue. You’re perilous close to having
a Mary Sue, so be very very careful as you proceed. Remember: a Marsee is Mary Sue with a bad hair day.
A Definite Mary Sue
AUGH! BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES! You have created a Mary Sue! Quick!! Give her some imperfections, or
get ready for some flames. Your creation may be perfect in your eyes, but to other people she’s just as scary as Frankenstein.
Actually, I might prefer Boris Karloff…Anyways, you have some rewriting to do…get to it!!
So Much of Mary Sue…It’s Scary
I would go shoot myself now…give up all writing now…No, not really. Just go back through
and rework your character.